Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. We have all been sick in one way or another, hopefully that is about over! Seems like illness has hit just about everyone we know these past few weeks.
Last month my sweet son decided to trim his own hair instead of resting (which is what I thought he was doing, as I enjoyed the "quiet"). Here is the finished product:
It could have been worse, but thankfully it wasn't. He managed to give himself a reverse mohawk - later that day Ella scratched him under the eye, and he looked pretty pathetic. I had a hard time making eye contact with people when we were out and about.......thinking they must think I was an unfit parent. lol. Of course we had a birthday party to go to the next day.
Here is Ella, playing (and picking) all at the same time!
I can't tell you how happy I was to find her quietly playing with the doll house Santa brought for Malia years ago. Malia never really had an interest in it - thankfully Santa's gift wasn't a total loss. (And...it's hard to see, but those are the new bunk beds in the background. Now they all sleep on the bottom bunk in this room. Ugh. Luckily we bought the twin over full size.)
We took our first zoo trip of the year (well 2nd actually, after zoolights on Jan 1st). We hadn't been in awhile, so it was fun. It stayed dry for almost the whole visit!
The new red ape exhibit was popular, but the highlight of the visit was this chimp:He was eating something strange & brown off the glass. {{yuk}}
And, finally, I am in love with these Moda fabrics called "Dream On". They remind me of my childhood in the 70s. I broke down and bought a charm pack - maybe I'll actually make something with it. Maybe. :)
Hope you have a fun & safe holiday weekend. Speaking of presidents...President Obama flew over our house today in the helicopter motorcade en route to Intel. I think I saw him wave at us! (okay, not really).
Hope you have a fun & safe holiday weekend. Speaking of presidents...President Obama flew over our house today in the helicopter motorcade en route to Intel. I think I saw him wave at us! (okay, not really).