Saturday, December 01, 2007

Catching Up on Pics~ October


Here I am after being MIA for over a month. Where does the time go? Well, October was fairly busy with birthdays, Halloween and then a round of sickness that seemed to last forever once we passed it around. Alex spent a night in the hospital in November with a bad case of croup.....which was scary. I was busy getting ready for 3 craft bazaars, the last one of which was today. I was less productive than I had hoped, but oh well!

Here are some pictures from October.

~Alex Helping Rourke hang pictures after he (Rourke) painted our entry way & upstairs.

~Malia's class trip to the Apple Orchard

~Halloween Night (Malia was a "Sock Hop Girl" and Alex was a puppy)

~Malia's 4th Birthday

That's all for now~
Happy December~~~~~~~~~~

:) Linda

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